Always on it

Coreix Public Cloud

The latest iteration utilises Open Stack and is built upon enterprise hardware to offer enterprise service level agreements. We have deployed services in a flexible manner to benefit customer requirements.

We offer a vast array of instances with guaranteed performance. The generic instances have a generally balanced distribution of resources and are suitable for most workloads however there are CPU intensive instances which can be utilised for high CPU requirements.


Coreix public cloud alows you move and innovate faster without the worry of resources or infrastructure. It offers a nearly limitless pool of raw compute, storage and networking components. These components all share the following benefits:

  • Durable as well as highly avilable with redundancy and replication
  • Secure  through automatic encryption and role based access control
  • Scalable with virtually unlimited storage
  • Managed handling maintenance and any critical problems
  • Accessible from anywhere in the world
  • Hybrid capable as requirements change for your business
  • Flexible Only pay for what you need, when you need it